Admiralty Chambers

Roger T.N. So 蘇子毅

Dr So is a Barrister-at-Law, a Chartered Engineer, an experienced accredited mediator, an arbitrator and an adjudicator.

Dr So has a broad civil and criminal practice, including construction disputes, general commercial disputes, shareholders’ disputes, property disputes, building management disputes, matrimonial and family disputes, personal injury disputes, etc.  Prior to becoming a barrister, he has been a chartered electrical engineer since 1997 with over 20 years of engineering project management experience specialising in railway design and construction.

His academic credentials include Doctor of Business Administration, PCLL, JD, MA in Arbitration & Disputes Resolution and B.Sc (Hon) in Electrical & Electronics Engineering.

Dr So has delivered over twenty CPD seminars and has published 30 Chinese journal articles in the Building Management Journal.  Dr So is also the Annotator of the Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong, Cap. 319, Foreign Judgments (Reciprocal Enforcement) Ordinance published by LexisNexis, and the co-author of the Chinese book on building management 【屋簷下共處 -多層大廈不同持份者的法律權益】.  

Dr So has been appointed as Chairman of the Appeal Tribunal (Buildings) for 3 years commencing on 1 December 2021, and a member of the Advisory Panel on Licensing of Hotels and Guesthouses commencing on 1 December 2020.  He has also served as a Deputy Magistrate in the last quarter of 2022.


Notable cases

Imperial Pacific International (CNMI), LLC v Chan Chi Hung HCA 75/2018 [hearing and order on 15 December 2023, no written decision]- represented the defendant in a purported loan agreement for gambling chips involving foreign law as led junior.  Successfully obtained security for costs against the Plaintiff with costs.

Li Xiuhua v FT Electronic Co Ltd & Ors [2023] HKCFI 1828 – represented the plaintiff in an internet fraud case as the sole advocate.  Succeeded in resisting the security for costs application by the 4th defendant.

Yim Tin Fook & Anor v Yu Chor Lai & Ors [2019] HKCFI 2511 – represented the 6th defendant (by counterclaim) in a conveyancing transaction involving N.T. land as the sole advocate.  Successfully obtained O.14A against the plaintiff (by counterclaim).

The IO of Ho On Mansion v Herman H. M. Hui & Co [2020] 3 HKLRD 18 – represented the defendant as the sole advocate.  Able to resist a substantial portion of the plaintiff’s claim for the return of documents under his possession.  This case laid down the test of determining ownership of documents in the possession of a solicitor.

The IO of Ho On Mansion v Herman H. M. Hui & Co [2020] HKCFI 1710 – represented the defendant as a led junior. Successfully varied the costs order nisi to be more advantageous to the defendant.

Chung Yik Ling v Choi Wah Tong [2021] HKDC 896 – represented the defendant as the sole advocate.  Succeeded in resisting O.14 Application of the plaintiff and obtained unconditional leave to defend.

Imperial Pacific International (CNMI), LLC v Chan Chi Hung HCA 75/2018 [hearing and order on 18 September 2020, no written decision] – represented the defendant as the sole advocate in a purported loan agreement for gambling chips involving foreign law.  Successfully dismissed the plaintiff’s O.14 application.

Imperial Pacific International (CNMI), LLC v Chan Chi Hung HCA 75/2018 [hearing and order on 24 January 2019, no written decision]- represented the defendant as the sole advocate in a purported loan agreement for gambling chips involving foreign law.  Successfully set aside the default judgment obtained by the plaintiff.

Year of Call: 2016



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Admiralty Chambers