Admiralty Chambers

Ivan H.P. Lam 林翯邦

Ivan completed his studies in music and law at the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2011 and 2015. Ivan was called to the Bar in July 2016 and joined Admiralty Chambers in September 2016.

Ivan practises both general civil and criminal litigation, with experience mainly in contractual disputes, criminal law (including prosecution, defence, and appeals), employment, land and trust, and personal injuries. Ivan is also a contributor, annotator and case reporter for LexisNexis Hong Kong. 


² Hong Kong Employment Law Manual (Issue 41, LexisNexis Butterworths, April 2020)

²  Hong Kong Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents – Volume 13: Employment (2nd Edition, 2018 Reissue) (July 2018, co-contributors with Stephanie Y.Y. Chau & Jaime C.H. Lam, both of Admiralty Chambers)

² Annotated Ordinances of Hong Kong (LexisNexis Butterworths)

² Travel Agents Ordinance (Cap 218) (August 2018 Reissue)

²  Minimum Wage Ordinance (Cap 608) (October 2018 Reissue, online version only)

²  Loans Ordinance (Cap 61) (May 2019)

²  Unsolicited Electronic Messages Ordinance (Cap 593) (May 2019)

²  Chinese Medicine Ordinance (Cap 549) (September 2019)

²  Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (Cap 485) (August 2020 Reissue)

²  United Nations (Anti-terrorism Measures) Ordinance (Cap 575) (August 2021)

²  Road Traffic (Driving-offence Points) Ordinance (Cap 375) (September 2021, Reissue)

² Miscellaneous Licences Ordinance (Cap 114) (forthcoming, Reissue)

Year of call: 2016

Mobile: 6276-9419


Telephone: 2527-3082

Fax: 2529-8226


© 2021 Admiralty Chambers.

Room 403, Fairmont House, Cotton Tree Drive, Central, Hong Kong.

Tel: (+852) 2527-3082

Fax: (+852) 2529-8226


Admiralty Chambers